Educational Technology 2
Santiago, Diana Jane J.
I. OBJECTIVES : identify the different country in Asia Pacific Region who excel in terms of using Technology in Education classify the different goals and strategies of the countries in Asia Pacific Region know the similarities of goals and strategies in these five countries in Asia Pacific Region
Students today are growing up in what we called “digital age” , technology today brings them to the next level and give them the opportunity to learn skills that they might need in 21st century. As a result, schools are turning to education technology to help transform teaching and learning for the digital age and advance student achievement.
Educational Technology in Asia Pacific Region
New Zealand 2001 ICT Goals and Strategies
Government with the education and technology sectors, community groups, and industry envisions to support to the development of the capability of schools to use information and communication technologies in teaching-and-learning and in administration.
Improving learning outcomes for students using ICT to support the curriculum.
Using ICT to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of educational administration.
Developing partnership with communities to enhance access to learning through ICT.
Focus Area:
Infrastructure for increasing school’s access to ICT’s to enhance education
Professional development so that school managers and teachers can increase their capacity to use ICT.
An On-line resource center with a centrally managed website for the delivery of multimedia resources to schools.
A computer recycling scheme.
A planning and implementation guide for schools
ICT professional development schools/clusters
Australia IT Initiatives
In the Adelaide Declaration on National Goals for schools, information technology is one of the eight national goals/learning areas students should achieve.
The plan for achieving the national goal for IT are left to individual states and territories with the Educational Network Australia (EdNA) as the coordinating and advisory body.
Common features to planning, funding and implementation are:
Fast local and wide area networks linking schools across the state and territory.
Substantial number of computers in schools, ensuring adequate access
Continuing teacher training in the use of technology for instruction
Technical support to each school
Sufficient hardware and software
Digital library resources
Technology demonstrating as models for schools
Malaysia Smart school-level Technology Project
Technology plays many roles in a smart school from facilitating teaching-and-learning activities to assisting with school management. Fully equipping a school includes:
Classrooms with multi-media, presentation facilities, e-mail and groupware for collaborative work.
Library media center with database for multimedia courseware and network access to the internet
Computer laboratory for teaching
Multimedia development center
Teacher’s room with on-line access
Server room equipped to handle applications, management database and web servers
Administration offices capable of managing databases of students and facilities, tracking student and teacher performance and resources, distributing notices and other information electronically
Singapore Masterplan for IT in Education
The Masterplan has four key dimensions:
Curriculum and Assessment
Learning Resources
Teacher Development
Physical and Technological Infrastructure
Curriculum and Assessment
A balance between acquisition of factual knowledge and mastery of concepts and skills
Students in more active and independent learning
Assessment to measure abilities in applying information, communicating and thinking
Learning Resources
Development of a wide range of educational software for instruction
Use of relevant internet resources for teaching and learning
Convenient and timely procurement of software materials
Teacher’s Development
Training and purposeful use of IT for teaching
Equipping each trainee teacher with ore skills in teaching with IT
Tie-ups with instruction of higher learning industry partners
Physical and Technological Infrastructure
Pupil computer ratio of 2:1
Access to IT in all learning areas in the school
School-wide network, and school linkages through wide area network (WAN), eventually connected to Singapore ONE (a broadband access service for high-speedy delivery of multimedia services on island-wide basis
Hong Kong Education Program Highlights
The IT initiatives are:
On average, 40 computers for each primary school and 82 computers for each secondary school
About 85,000 IT training places for teachers at four levels
Technical support for all schools
An Information Education Resources Center for all schools and teachers
An IT coordinator for each of 250 schools which should have sound IT plans
Computer rooms for use by students after normal school hours
An IT Pilot Scheme to provide schools with additional resources
Review of school curriculum to incorporate IT elements
Development of appropriate software in collaboration with government, the private sector, tertiary, institutions and schools
Exploring the feasibility of setting up an education-specific intranet
1. Initiatives- The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination.
2. Infrastructure- The basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society, such as transportation and communications systems, water and power lines, and public institutions including schools, post offices, and prisons.
3. Procurement- To get by special effort; obtain or acquire
4. Substantial- Ample; sustaining
5. Acquisition- Something acquired or gained
All in all, countries in Asia Pacific Region like, hongkong, Malaysia, Australia, new Zealand and Singapore are continuously making history in improving Educational Technology, for them to have globally competitive student and youth who are learning in this digital age, teachers who go with the flow in 21st century, and country who will prove that technology is a blessing to Education.
Give the Name of the Plan educational technology of the given country
1. New Zealand
2. Hongkong
3. Malaysia
4. Singapore
5. Australia
_key to correction_
1. ICT 2001 Goals and Strategies
2. Education Program
3. Smart school level technology project
4. Masterplan for IT in education
5. Australia Initiatives
Educational Technology 2 book
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