Sabado, Pebrero 25, 2012

The World without Computers

       A world without computer would be a disaster for me, as a student. There would be no "just one click" research, we should be using the library again. Back to traditional learning. For me, without world seems un-natural, since it became a part of our lives.

       It would be hard to search for somethin' without computers, although some said that, using computer will just lessen the learning outcomes of the students because there is a tendency that the students might just copy-paste the whole text and will not read anymore, unlike when they use libraries, the students have the time to read, differentiate and comprehend the whole text they are researching. But it depends on the student, if he is not motivated enough, he might not understand what he was reading.

       Computers are made in the field of education to help teacher and students to make teaching and learning process easy to achieve. But we, future teachers should not depend on this, these are things we manipulate to teach. It shouldn't be the one who will manipulate us.

Skills Competition


       On the skills competition Last February, 12, 2012 all of  the camarin and main campus students have gathered to show how talented and creative the TLE students are.

      All of us, 3rd year students have participated on the competition, i participated at the drafting area. And Fortunately, i'm glad i became the third placer even if the plate that we had is so hard and it's somewhat hard to analyze, but i'm glad i made it.

       But it's not about actually on what place you've got, it's about how you showcase your talent, how you prove that you are creative, how you enjoy the competition and how you make friends in a competition. :)
        In this Generation, computer is the most used technology when it comes to education. It is use for searching, finding information relating to what will be the topic, teachers can make powerpoint presentaion and present it to the class with the use of computers, computing grades etc. etc. But in the near future, what kind of technology will be invented after computers?

        In this video, it shows what are the other things will be existing after computers, the one that catches my attention is the "HOLOGRAM". Teachers and Lectures can be displayed as hologram, even when they are not around, or simply on the other places, they can still face you one on one by the use of hologram. Even things or people that are no longer existed, can back to life with the use of holograms.

        In the world we live in right now, there's technology which can make our studies more easier and convenient, but despite all of this, if there's a great and good teacher, those technologies can be vanished.
There's no technology that can ever replace great teachers.

Sabado, Pebrero 4, 2012


       People are against the SOPA and PIPA thing, but, us internet users do understand what does SOPA and PIPA means ?

       According to this article about SOPA and PIPA SOPA means Stop Online Piracy Act and PIPA means Protect IP Act, IP means Internet Protocol.Sound Positive isn't it ?

It may sound positive, but on some livelihood who have invested on the internet, this may sound or literally negative to them.

On the Link above, there is a video about how will PIPA and SOPA affect us, affect the whole U.S.A, affect the whole entertainment industry and our internet life.

      They actually relate SOPA nad PIPA to music industry because the U.S government reason why they want to pass SOPA Act is to stop piracy. As we all know, we can easily download songs or music without the studio company's knowledge. So, they loss income, because we actually uploaded it and we do not buy it with our own money literally. U.S government believes that when we just upload it through the internet, the loss of the entertainment industry is also a lost to their economy, which is, i believe is wrong, look at what the internet help the U.S economy. It's far more better than the entertainment industry as to the link above.

       There are some petition against SOPA/PIPA in this Link you just need to sign up and you are one of the petitioners of the Anti-SOPA and PIPA. This weblink said that it is the largest online protest in history, i haven't tried signing up in this protest and i don't know what will happen if i will.

    Some sites like have shown their protest in SOPA and PIPA, they blocked their website for a day, as far as i can remember, i was surfing, need to do my assignment and i have seen wikipedia temporarily blocked their page, with a phrase saying that " Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge " and i was thinking about that until now.

This is the way of of protesting. They covered their name and  at the latter part it tells " Please don't censor the web " and i was just thinking if these kinds of website will be block, where do wet get now information?


    Government said that Sopa Act will make the internet more safe. yeah, it is more safe, but it also can make internet less reliable.

 " ... Ordinary users could go to jail for five years for posting any copyrighted work- even just singing a pop song " -

Sabado, Enero 28, 2012



         Gave emphasize to the following aspects:

1. appreciating the tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media
2. History of educational technology
3. Dehumanization- treating humans as machines
4. 4 phases of application of educational technology in teaching and learning process
     a. setting of learning objectives
     b. designing specific learning experiences
     c. evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis-a-vis the learning objectives
     d. revision as needed of the whole teaching learning process or improving of the learning experiences
5. instructional technology- use of technology as instruction
    educational media- equipment and materials apart from the teacher himself
    audio-visual aids- learning media to stir the senses for more effective learning 


- is to enhance teaching and learning process through technology integration
- infuse technology in the student teachers training, helping them to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes
- provide education with the use of technology in instruction


5 progressive countries that contribute in educational technology

New Zealand 2001 ICT goals and strategies

GOAL- to support to the development of the capability of schools to use information and communication technology in teaching and learning process

Australia IT Initiatives
Malaysia Smart School level Technology Project

Singapore Masterplan for IT in Education

The Masterplan has 4 key dimension

1. Curriculum and Assessment
2. Learning Resources
3. Teacher Development
4. Physical and technological infrastructure

Hongkong Education Program highlights


Some manifestation of educational technology into instruction:

- change in the way classes are traditionally conducted
- quality of instruction is improved\
- the plan of the teacher on how and when technology fits into teaching and learning process
- teacher sets instructional strategies
- occupies position in the instructional process

Levels Of Integration

-Simple Integration
- Middle level integration
- technology as central instructional tool


Recent ET in education practice
- in present day school become computer literate. They send E-mail, prepare computer encoded class reports etc.
- deemphasized rote learning and allow more time to let the students internalize lessons


Meaningful learning 
- gives focus to new experience that is related to what the learner already knows
Discovery Learning 
- student performed task to accomplished what has to be learned
Generative Learning
- generating meaning from experience and draw inferences thereby creating a personal model or explanation to the  new experience in the context of existing knowledge
- builds a personal understanding through appropriate learning activities


Higher Level Learning Outcome

Complex Thinking skills- Sub skills
Focusing- defining the problem, brainstorming
Information gathering- Selection, recording of data of information
Remembering- relating new idea with old
Analyzing- identifying ideas constructs
Generating- deducing, inducting, ealborating
Organizing- classifying relating
Imagining- visualizing
Designing- planning
Integration- summarizing
Evaluating- setting criteria

The Upgraded Project Method

having students work on projects with depth, complexity, 

Linggo, Enero 22, 2012

Educational Technology

       Educational Technology equipped teacher to have important medias and knowledge about the new trends in technology to make the learning and teaching process more fun. It helps teacher to come up with a cool and fun motivations and activities for students, think of alternative and unique ways of presenting to the students the lessons, to easily caught the attention of students while they are learning. It doesn't necessarily means that technology is far more better than teachers, it's just that, technology can help teachers to be equipped with all learning resources that the students might need. Remember: there is no Technology that can ever replace Teachers.


       Integrating Technology in Education is also part of Educational technology, as the name implies. Integrating means combining, so it means technology is being combine with education especially in instruction. A real Integration needs change, The only problem we can't achieve change is the initiatives that we have, some countries can't afford to have computers because of financial problems. that's one factor. Another is the knowledge of teacher to use technology, some are not knowledgeable about those, we also need to have models and guidelines for teachers on how to use a particular modem. Integrating technology is a good thing if we just use it also on good purpose.

Everybody is talking about technology integration, but few practicing teachers profess to know exactly how to proceed. The fact is that real integration requires change. . . . However, what seems to be lacking is a model that teachers can use to guide them through the necessary changes they will need to make to be successful in integrating new technology into their classroom (Johnson & Liu, 2000, p. 4).,r:21,s:416

       This Article shows the U.S study on Educational Technology and how it is being integrated in different school, what are the objectives and learning outcomes of these technologies.

Why We need to Teach Technology in School.

Change is the only this that do not change.

Biyernes, Enero 13, 2012

Education after 10 years

        Change is the only thing that is constant. We people should just follow this changes. We cannot avoid this changes. As to Education, changing is also occurring, before, we use to do lectures with visual aids made of papers, cartolinas etc. But now, there are a lot of new trends of technology coming out for the students to make their studies more productive. There are computers, tablet, laptop, digital libraries so that the students could find books easily, internet, social networking sites and many more. Come to think of it, this new trends are more that enough for us, but what if, after ten years, what are the latest trends in Education ?? are those trends can be helpful for us more than today's trends?

        For me, after ten years, there are Computerized blackboard, but we all know that there are stuffs like this, but after ten years, this digital black board can write on it's own. There are robotic teachers that can teach students, they are programmed to response and apply art of questioning on different kind of students. The laptop that we used to have are on our bare hands, instead of bringing big case and heavy laptop, this laptop on our hands can be bring easier and more easy to use, there will be a technology that can help us to study more, to make our study and lectures more convenient to us students.

         But again, the key to learning lies on the students, these technology will only help us to make education more innovative and improving. Yes it's true that there are technologies who can help us to learn more, but we also have teachers. We shouldn't let these technologies control humans, Humans should be controlling these things. That's why people are given minds over things, for them to use it on different things. Yes, Technologies can do multi-task compare to teachers, but again there are no Technologies that can replace teachers. :)